Ultra-Con/Super Holier than Thou Pharisee not saved by faith but by works. Hates anyone that is not Ultra Con
Con/Somewhat Holier than Thou Pharisee not saved by faith but by works. Isn't sure whether they hate Ultra Cons or not but they know they hate Liberals
Mod/Fence Sitter not wanting to offend anyone but usually ends up upsetting both sides and is the only true balance of what it really means to be a Christian :-)
Lib/Backslidden sinner that wants to offend all conservatives and get away with it
Ultra-Lib/whiny reprobates that want to sin like the devil but still be called a brother in Christ
Charismatic/Devil Worshipping pagan that believes in three gods
At least if you believe the hype. I don't, but sometimes you guys are fun to watch make long eared horse like animals that go hee haw hee haw, out of yourselves