Thank you MOW! I appreciate you being so transparent.
I have appreciated this Forum as being diverse. I wouldn't want one frame of mind dominating.
I like to study out the scriptures and will do that. It doesn't mean I am bashing the UPC, any other organization or independent.
Honestly, there have been some threads and posts that have really ticked me off because they seemed to be UPC bashing at the lowest. It could just be my frustration with it, because I don't want to leave, God hasn't told us to leave and I don't like people making me feel stupid for staying in.
There are going to be some posts and threads that just push some buttons. I generally don't respond and sometimes log out.
Even in the midst of all of that - I
want it to be diverse. If I can't handle the heat, then I will get out of the kitchen - for a while.
There is a log out function.