Originally Posted by CareyM
I'm not sure if this topic has been addressed on here yet, but I'm sure curious about it.
I understand Divers kinds of tongues to be "different tongues" or some may call it "different prayer languages" God has given a person. Also, in Corinthians it says that that tongues only edifies the person speaking it, unless there is an interpretation.
So, what good is diver's kinds of tongues? Does anyone know why they are a gift of the spirit, if it does not help others?
Tongues edify both the body and the individual but not necessarily both at the same time.
This question has been discussed different times on these forums and I guess the conclusion that most come to is that for whatever reason the Spirit speaks through us different times in different tongues or languages. Not everybody experiences this though.
We don't always know the "why" of everything -- just that it does happen and when it does it always edifies "us" individually .... and I believe that something important is being accomplished although we may not be aware what.
I speak in different "tongues" or languages now and then and recognize when it happens and just let it flow .... just let the Holy Ghost have His way. When we pray and intercede in tongues -- no matter if it's the familiar one we normally pray in or a "new" one -- I believe we're praying the perfect will of God because HE is praying through us. Amazing, isn't it?!!
I remember one time in particular when TB and I were in Bible School that he was praying in one room and I was praying in another. I could hear his group praying through the wall and I recognized his voice and knew it was him praying but also recognized that he wasn't speaking in his "usual" tongue as far as speaking in tongues goes.
I asked him about it later and he told me that while he was praying in that tongue he was having a vision. He saw a missionary surrounded by what looked to him like African natives
(could have been some other kind of nationality I guess) and they were threatening him, circling him and about to attack. As my husband prayed in tongues, suddenly the angry dark skinned men backed off and left the man alone. He came to no harm!
God was using my husband at that particular moment in time to pray for some missionary somewhere who was in some serious trouble and the man was protected and saved. While my husband was praying .... he was speaking in a language different than he usually did.
So there you go. Don't understand the "why" exactly but just know that this happens and is authentic.
To me .... it's just another amazing confirmation that tongues are REAL! And so is the power of the Holy Ghost!