Originally Posted by originalsecretplace
Don't even get me started on the REAL reason some of these people are invited to a church or set up shop in your neighbourhood.
It's all about the money....
I don't think ALL of these people who minister in prophecy are into it for the money but I haven't met one who wasn't either invited to get people to give to the cause de jour and/or told you that you had to show your faith by giving money before God could do His work.
I thinl they like to call it "planting a seed". To me it's almost like paying for someone to read your palm.
I am very leary of those "prophets" who are invited to come to a church because he is known for his prophetic ministry. People line up at the doors because they want a word. Those kind of people make me think of those who don't want to sacrifice and get on their face and plow their way thru spiritual warfare to get an answer from God ON Their OWN. It saddens me when they pack out a church because a preacher is known for his healing ministry....Because the focus becomes that " this guy can heal me" and the focus is off of God.... And yet, I know that many have been healed in services like these because God honors faith! Faith moves God. I can't stand to see men do what they do "in the name of God" But the real men of God that I know, who are used in prophecy, they are just plain ole preachers (no disrespect meant)who lay on their face before God, who sacrifice their time and seek God's face. They fight thru spiritual warfare, they fast, dig into the Word....yeah, those are the ones that I have faith in......Hearing from God doesn't come cheap.......