ok, so I was going to quote the original post, but I can't find it...anyway - Abi posted a chicken casserole that required buttered ritz crackers....she mentioned how many times she used the word "buttered" in the post (like 100)
Anyway, ABI!? This is in my oven currently and can I say it is DELICIOUS?? I am so excited.
I also made this:
Originally Posted by warmbee
pre-greased big cassarole pan
one bag of taters (not the huge bag, you know, the medium one...)
one pound of ground beef (ground turkey if you are so inclined)
2 cans of cream of mushroom
1 yellow onion (size depends on your liking of onions)
2 cans of creamed corn
your choice of shreded cheese
preheat oven to 350
spread taters evenly over the bottom of the pan
cook ground beef/turkey till brown (I like to put lots of garlic powder on the meat while it is cooking... sometimes a sprinkle or two.. or three of chili powder)
drain grease from meat
spread meat over top of taters
pour cream of mushroom over the meat
pour creamed corn over the cream of mushroom
sprinkle some more taters over top
cover with aluminum foil and bake until taters on top start to get brown
take out and sprinkle cheese over top (please, do be generous....)
place back in oven without aluminum foil for bout 10 minutes.
let cool and then chow down... make sure to leave some for tomorrow.... it really tastes better the next day
I got it off GNC today - I've made both tonight b/c my husband isnt a big chicken fan - but he will love this
YUM-O on both accounts.
thanks y'all
now for a night of only casseroles for dinner, two of them LOL!!!!