02-24-2007, 11:19 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 8,102
Originally Posted by Sherri
I don't think you come across as judgmental, PP, but I think we can all agree to disagree without calling people backsliders just because they have a different view.
As to point number 1.--I don't believe the way I did once, you are right on that. I was raised to be judgemental and I didn't even understand God's grace. I believed whatever was taught to me as a child without ever searching the Word for myself. I took on everything ANYONE preached against and quit doing it, just because I wanted so badly to be right and I just thought that men of God knew everything. I found out that they are fallible too, and that you have to work out your own salavation. I am much more secure in Christ that I used to be. I used to go to bed at night scared that the Rapture would happen, and I would be lost, just because I wasn't yet good enough (and that was AFTER we were in ministry).
As for #2--I would never slam your doctrine. I love what UPC stands for, and what they did for me in my life, in bringing me to the Lord. I don't disrespect anyone for what they believe. The difference is that I would never call them unsaved or backslidden just because they differ from me. I think that anyone who pushes some kind of "belief only" doctrine only wants an easy route to heaven and they don't really seek to please God. However, saying that, I don't know anyone on this forum who would fit in that slot.
There are many who push belief only, but I won't name them here - as it would add nothing to the dialogue.