Originally Posted by shag
(From a disp perspective-)
Regarding who exactly was/is Gods Chosen People Israel in and from the old-
Would dispensationalists believe that the entire 12 tribes were God‘s chosen and when they split into Northern and Southern kingdoms, all 12 tribes and a descendents of all 12 tribes remained God‘s chosen, and thereby to this day?
Or do they believe that only the two southern tribes remained as “God’s chosen people”?
Do they believe nowadays that all those belonging to the overseas Israel are Gods chosen, or just part of them, like those claiming to be of the bloodline of certain tribes? I’m assuming they believe that anyone Supposedly, descending from any of the 12 tribes are considered God’s chosen?
I’m just trying to find out how they see things, especially in Pentecostal dispensational theology regarding who is God’s chosen, and who is not as it relates to the nation state of Israel.
I’m not sure they can answer that…but I need to know exactly what they think if possible.
Thank you
What I have found is most dispensationalists simply have not thought through their claimed belief system very much. So they tend to be unable to address these types of questions. If they do, they often run into contradictions with their belief system, or else they discover they really aren't actual dispensationalists.
They also are still stuck on the idea that the modern "nation state of Israel" is somehow "those people of God in the Bible we read about in Sunday school". But not being familiar with the actual history of "those people", nor the history of the current "nation state of Israel" and its population, they can't figure out what's actually going on. So their answers may be consistent with their belief system, but they won't be consistent with reality.