Re: Voter Fraud?
Because PA has pretty well decided the election, Trump has a better chance of taking this to court and reversing the rule of allowing a three day period beyond the close of the polling on November 3rd.
The Constitution sets out very specific rules for who gets to decide these issues. The state legislature gets to decide the terms of voting, not the state judiciary. The courts are not generally in the business of drawing arbitrary lines. That is the job of the legislature, which can be arbitrary as long as they aren’t unconstitutionally unreasonable.
The US Supreme Court has already asked them to segregate those late votes in the event they have to decide the case. They needed a factual predicate, i.e., how many votes were cast on time, but received late. The number could be a few hundred or thousands.
So, this isn’t over. The PA courts overstepped their bounds.
However, because we live in an emotional age, it appears to me that the courts will be more concerned about riots than what is Constitutional. All eyes on Amy Coney Barrett.