Positive Results Of Covid 19.
What with all the chaos and disruption this Virus and the response to it has caused havoc all over the world. Nevertheless, I was talking to the Lord and he said to look for the positive. What's positive?
Let's look at some, most if not all public events have been cancelled. These include pride events cancelled, weird fringe festivals cancelled. 4/20 events cancelled. More people are feeling desperate and looking to God for the answers they need.
I live in a city that is the second most expensive city in the world. There isn't a single detached house in the city that is under a million dollars. A small wooden Church building with a parking lot sold in my neighborhood a couple of years ago for 9 million
We are a small congregation renting a Church building for a reasonable price, but the owners want to tear it down and build condos with a small room for their congregation inside. This Covid 19 crisis is shaking everyone and everything and that may be on hold.
There may be buildings coming open to purchase.
I talked to Greg an owner of a Bible Bookstore and he said that he may retire after the dust settles, and leave it for someone else.
I have always wanted to own a Christian bookstore with a section for Apostolic materials to be brought in. I am praying about it.
There may be great opportunities to reach people in a greater measure when the crisis passes and the restrictions end.
Some will be the Eady to take advantage of the opportunities, most won't.
I want to o be ready.
What about you?
What do you see?