What's really going on?
Based on everything I'm seeing, I am about 90% positive there is no Chinese coronavirus doing much of anything whatsoever. Not 100%. I could be completely wrong (my fans can insert their snickers here). I could get into all the details why I think what I think is really going on, and maybe I will if somebody asks nicely.
But here's my current theory: We're on a war footing and most of the world is also. The big WW3 (or whatever number it would actually be). Current sides: Team USA/NATO vs Team China/Iran. One player game though, playing both sides (that's a side issue, though). The "virus" was originally likely (though not certainly) a bio attack in China, followed by another one in Iran. The rest is a manufactured "pandemic" used as cover for war preparations for an existential war. (An existential war is a war where the continued existence of the nation is at risk, think WW1 and WW2, not some brush war or goofy police action like Vietnam, Iraq, etc.)
Just my opinion based on observations and some talks with old timers (80 plus year old timers).
I won't make any recommendations lest anybody have bad dreams at night or panic attacks. Except for this one: Get close and stay close to God. Like soon.