Originally Posted by Antipas
You make a point I think we can all agree on.
We should seek the LORD for peace on the matter regardless of the interpretation we hold.
But with interpretations as they are, if one believes that there is an applicable acception clause, aren't they bound to actually put that belief into practice to ensure that they are holding to the clause they claim to believe in?
Now, with my position, remarriage to another after a divorce is always a sin. Therefore, if one finds that they cannot contain and reconcile with their ex, one must always approach God with a contrite spirit, confessing the sin, and weakness to attain God's forgiveness and favor. It's the same approach for everyone regardless of the grounds of the previous divorce.
If your ex-spouse has no interest in reconciling, then Paul's admonition about marrying to avoid sexual sin comes into play. It is still better to marry than to burn.