Done figured it out
Finally it hit me: People believe whatever they want to believe, in a literal "Mad Lib, Choose Your Own Adventure" approach. Facts, data, observation? Not relevant.
The reason? Because there are no perceived consequences to said choices. You can believe just about anything you want, no matter how retarded... because there are no realistic, consistent consequences to said choices of "realities" or opinions.
This explains an awful lot regarding human behavior. We have, for example, been highly insulated from consequences of beliefs here in the West. Don't believe like your elders? No problem, no consequences. Don't like mom and dad's view of life? Just move out and carry on. Don't like this or that political party, platform, agenda? No biggie, there's a party, platform, and agenda available for you, free of charge. Or start your own.
Everybody has an opinion, and everybody expresses their opinion, but it might as well be cricket chirps in the background for all the actual difference it makes, at large.