Should a music director read music?
The church where a friend of mine pastors is seeking to hire an associate minister who will be over both the youth and music departments. The interviewing committee is recommending a young couple who, along with their two young daughters, have a southern gospel singing group. Currently they are ministers of music at a much larger church in Canada. Recently they came and ministered at the church in question so the congregation could get to know them.
Last night a business meeting was held. Surprisingly, the most vocal objectors to bringing this family on board are choir members and that is because neither the young man or his wife read music. She plays the piano like Jerry Lee Lewis and he is an excellent worship leader. They obviously have done well at a much larger church in Canada, so much so that some arm twisting is going on up there to keep them from leaving. But as the objectors pointed out, both the church organist and pianist have degrees in music, and read music. The problem is, neither one of the latter can play by ear and it thus hinders any spontaneity in worship.
I would appreciate input from anyone who cares to share. Thanks.
Last edited by Originalist; 01-14-2019 at 03:30 PM.