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Old 01-13-2019, 08:16 AM
Evang.Benincasa's Avatar
Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by derAlte View Post
Scott, I'm glad you've done this research. As a young Pentecostal convert, I was blessed to know several members of the Yadon family and I was very fond of Ellis Scism. It is interesting to learn about Harry Morse who was a major influence to these men who I knew in their latter years.

I have come to understand from several sources, including my friend Tom Fudge's books that some of them did not believe the message of the New Birth the way I was taught it. I haven't moved on the Acts 2:38 message, but I will let God be their judge and will continue to the fondly remember the blessings imparted to me by them when I was young.
Excuse my friend, but you already judged them. Also consider this, when you were young you were most likely unable to identify how different they really were. Also TF (Thomas Fudge) like other historians tend to not tell the whole story. Something like the "victors write the history?" There is a lot to be said about that. In reading Fudge's book he either got offended at some point in the later half of the book. Or he got tired, because it changes half way through. Maybe he had to get a dead line? I don't know. But historians are one in a million. Most historians you need to re-research their material to find even 10% of the truth.
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