Re: Did The Second Coming Happen In 70AD?
Originally Posted by Esaias
My understanding is that most preterists believe resurrection took place in AD 70 as a judicial change of position, not that everybody was raised from the dead physically, but that a change took place in which the departed saints went to heaven and all living saints join with them in heaven when they die. Also, that the same thing applies to the lost: the wicked dead were cast into the lake of fire and all since then who die lost are resurrected into damnation as well. So the resurrection in AD 70 is more of a change of circumstances for mankind relative to their destiny as opposed to an event in which bodies come out of graves.
Of course, not being a preterist myself, I may have this all wrong. Apologies if I am mistaken, I do not want to misrepresent anything.
No, you are a 100% correct as per usual.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence