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Old 08-19-2018, 02:52 AM
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Amanah Amanah is offline
This is still that!

Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sebastian, FL
Posts: 9,680
Re: “The Synagogue of Satan, Who are they?”

Bro Benincasa, thank you for pressing this and making it plain.
Eschatology used to seem interesting.
Now it appears to be dangerous.

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
No, you don't actually indicate that you had a meeting with the elders of your church, past or current Also it seems that they both were Dispensationalists. Meaning that they believe that the Jews today are the children of Abraham. Which if you bless them then you are blessed in return. If you curse them then you will be cursed instead. While you and I don't believe that, I would take it that they do?

Now, you are making yourself clear. So, where do you go from there? Well, it is good that you are pleased to sit under his ministry and keep your eschatological thoughts to yourself and your family. I would suspect that he made it clear that you were not to share your views in any shape or form with the saints in the congregation?

Crystal, but it seems he doesn't teach what he believes concerning eschatology either? So, God almighty told you to agree to disagree?

You don't have to.

If you are saying that Mystery Babylon is still up and running as Jews, or modern Jerusalem you have a lot to answer. Because we don't have the First Century and prior Judeans. But today we have Spanish Sephardic, and Ashkenazi Eastern European Khazarians. These groups would now make up your Mystery Babylon. Modern day Jerusalem would have to be the Whore, also where is your third temple and a reinstatement of the temple services? Complete with animal sacrifices and Zadokite priesthood? Not only would they be legitimate sons of Zadok, but must be legitimate verifiable sons of Aaron.

You can't imagine how heavily convoluted the above sounds. When you are posting this to someone who has studied this for over 25 years. Maybe in 20 years you will humble yourself to figure out all the above and be embarrassed.

No, while you may get mad and refuse to listen to this, you are actually pulling the curtain tighter. Esaias knows what I believe, because he reads what I have posted over the years. Therefore he implored both of us to discuss this because it would be an interesting conversation. Yet, you are out of control. You seem to be unable to share your thoughts on a subject so sensitive as this one. That you believe that you are anointed by God to teach this to the world? But if that was the case then you would of been able to educate "MINISTERS" around you. Not by phone, not by email, or forum. One on one. Before you could take your show on the road. You are going to lose, believe me, I know first hand. You will lose. Because all of what you believe was born not in scripture which is holy and God breathed, but out of bigoted hate filled spew ( not saying you created this, but sadly bought into it). The only ones who will lap up what you are pouring out are those who have issues with "a people" not with a movement. Because you in the above quote mention quite a few movements. All jumbled together as if they were all unified. Please be assured I don't post to you. I post peradventure that someone will understand that you and I are not the same.

This isn't about you and I. We aren't PMing each other, writing each other emails. Or having a phone conversation. We are in public view, this isn't about your promises to yourself, or to anyone else for that matter. You are saying some strong things which while some thread of truth may be in there somewhere. But you are presenting it like a drunk man running with a Ming vase. Everyone would love to watch, but they turn away because of the inevitable outcome. 4,000 Israelis didn't show up to work at WTC??? At that point, the message takes a nose dive right over the pulpit in MeeMaw's lap.

Believe me, that has zero to do with me. God doesn't give a care if you never reply to me again. If you placed me on ignore or had me banned forever. How you deal with people, has nothing to do with me. God knows what you need, but more than that, you know what you need.

Bro, that is the cold hard conclusions of what you teach. That is why the rank and file Jew get worried when you teach it. Ghetto wasn't originated with the black man. That's the Jew. William Shakespeare's merchant of Venice isn't about 4,000 Israelis calling in sick on 9/11/01. It is about a money grubbing Jew. The Jew. Bro, I know somewhere you mean well, but you need to stand back from the whole entire mess and sort it all out. Because most of this topic is drowning in its own material.

Bro, my family is from Riverdale Bronx New York. I didn't hear this stuff just yesterday. This is an old story, I have relatives who are Jewish. Jewish, Italians all grew up together. Our fathers fought in WWII. We all knew about the Protocols, and the other propaganda. The Kennedys weren't Jewish, Rockefeller wasn't Jewish. Boss Tweed wasn't a Jew, most of what went down in this country wasn't perpetrated by Jews. Listen because you link your eschatology to Jews living today, you have a sort of manifest destiny for a hand wringing Jewish ghoulish boogeyman. There is no way around it. While you may be nicer than Jesus and flowers bloom with your every step, not everyone is as benevolent as you. Because in my travels i have met people who believe what you believe who were none too friendly when it came to the Jews.

I'll go with criminals, but when we start talking about organized criminals you don't have the slightest idea what that entails. Unless you were once with a crew, or involved in organized crime? Was with law enforcement? Criminals talk, and those who do end up with a neck tie. You aren't talking about some movie plot, you are talking about the biggest situation known to man in this time. The Lufthansa heist December 11, 1978 was a huge operation. It took a lot of men inside and out to pull it off. But, what would happen later is that people started turning up dead. All the inside guys. That isn't new mind you, but that is how it is always done. From jump street. You must remove loose ends. Guys who are whistle blowers, don't ever make it to say as much as boo devil boo. Because you find them falling off a bridge somewhere. 9/11 inside job? Again, I can't be convinced that it was jet fuel, but I don't believe anyone knows who or how it was done. Why? Because to pull it off you need an army of people who know what was going on. Not just one Jew telling the firemen to "pull it" No, an entire network of soldiers, lieutenants, and capos. Sorry, but just finding a group of dancing Mossad agents doesn't mean ZOG had landed. USS Liberty? Bro, we knew who and what happened in no time.

You mentioned something that it was dangerous for you to say what you say? No, it is never dangerous for the ones who say this stuff. You aren't the one who gets beat up at school, or has your tires slashed on the job, or have your wife called a filthy kike because her husband is a Jewish banker at Chase Manhattan on Long Island. No, you believe you are on a mission to cut the tentacles off of the Jewish many armed ghoul. Is that a misrepresentation? No, but that is just the logical conclusion one will draw from what you say.

Please show credible documentation for the above statement.

I implore you to reconsider your current position and reevaluate the conclusions which will be drawn. Sephardi and Khazarian held no covenant with God. Because their ancestors NEVER were at mount Sinai. They never married into legitimate traceable lineages which can be traced back to Abraham. Like Jesus and Paul could do.

Last edited by Amanah; 08-19-2018 at 02:55 AM.
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