07-31-2018, 01:07 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Zion aka TEXAS
Posts: 26,772
Re: Divorce and Remarriage
Originally Posted by Aquila
Personal questions and discussing experiences are one thing. But only the more debased among us use shared personal experiences to insult. Amanah for example, she's discussed things in my past, and even shared a few of her own experiences. We've disagreed, but neither of us has used something from either of our pasts to insult, slander, or offend one another deliberately.
One can bring up the most personal of experiences if they choose. How people decide to respond to those things measures their character, not the one being transparent about something from their past.
I believe that marriage is an indissoluble union. If one divorces a spouse, they are absolved of all responsibilities towards their former spouse. But they are still one flesh. When one remarries, they adulterate that first union with a second indissoluble union. This adulterates God's intention for marriage. And this act can be forgiven by God. And the manner of repentance is not to do that which contributed to the failure of the first marriage. Most are only thinking with their genitals, thinking that every time people in a second marriage bed one another they are committing adultery. I'm elevating the issue. It isn't about the sex. It's about a state of being. A state of having established two indissoluble unions, thereby adulterating God's intention for marriage, making those involved adulterers. Since both unions are indissoluble, one can only seek forgiveness and grace.
Now, while a couple in a second marriage might receive forgiveness and grace, for their souls. They are disqualified from eldership.
I'm not trying to dig out of a hole. I've long accepted that I'm not qualified for any form of leadership within the body.
I was only indicating how messy things can be by sharing my own experience. Notice, only a few ran with what I shared and made issue of it. Others voiced that they understood my point. How one responds to what another posts is entirely owned by themselves. I can't make anyone go personal. Individuals choose to do that. And the fact that everyone didn't... only proves that those who did... wanted to. It reveals a certain "attack dog" like attitude in their spirits.
It's like what I explained to EB... I can pour gasoline on myself and hand a dozen men matches. The one who chooses to set me ablaze.... he's the murderer. I just sit back in amazement that it is so often the one's priding themselves on being the most "spiritual" who can't help but throw the first stones, and strike the match. lol
I'd rather be real and hated than fake and respected.
Like EB's example...
Even if I pour gasoline on my head and hand everyone matches.... it's the individual's choice to act a fool and light the match. I can't apologize for their actions.
Your response here has convinced me you have a rather twisted online agenda , and nothing is as it seems with you. Therefore, I am done dialoguing with you. Good day.