Originally Posted by Amanah
The husband of one wife.
As opposed to being single? What about widowed men? IMO, this is only speaking against polygamy, not against divorce/remarriage, single men, widowed men, etc.
Originally Posted by Amanah
Being divorced makes it harder to do marriage counseling, makes it harder to take a strong stand against divorce.
Would disease preclude a minister from preaching healing?
Would going through a bankruptcy make it harder for a minister to teach on stewardship of finances?
I have not been divorced, thank the Lord. I hope I never have to face that situation. However, I disagree that divorce would make it harder to counsel or that it would make being against divorce harder.
Personally, I would think that going through that terrible situation would cause the minister to have more insight into the damage it does to everyone involved...and because of that, the minister would do more to prevent divorce with other couples.
I doubt a person goes through a divorce thinking, "Others should definitely do this!"