You got that a little backwards pal. Mike, you are a coward, hiding behind your computer and making you sorry judgements. Stuck in a room hovering over a keyboard and sputtering nonsense. Your mantra is "oh, at least their post trib" Sorry, bro, but "post trib" or any trib doesn't mean anything until you sit down with the individual and see what exactly they believe. Elder LeDeay, can tell everyone he is pre trib and they will get happy. But spend some time talking to him and you will find out that what he believes is outrageous. Post Trib? I'm real sorry, but while you worked the night shift, reminiscing about 1974, walking around delusional wearing a potato sack while giving Christianity a bad name. I was traveling seeing people baptized in Jesus name filled with the Holy Ghost. Also finding out that our movement has a plethora ( and I do mean plethora) of different beliefs on eschatology.
You do somersaults over anyone who claims to be post trib, because you are that shallow? 1970s war stories about your glory days? Dude, if you were in a post trib church they might not be your idea of post trib. Just in Mystery Babylons alone they have all sorts of flavors. Then their are strong ANTI-DISPENSATIONALIST post tribs who would shred you if they heard a peep of dispensationalism come out of your mouth. Post trib? You tug on your gray chia pet like Pei Mai and repeat a mantra "post trib, post trib, post trib" when there is a lot more than just to words. Oh, faith destroying? A young sister in our church gets shot in the chest, tell the shooter "God bless you in Jesus name" healed, because of eschatology???? No, healed because of her faith in Jesus Christ. She testified that she has no fear of death, because her savior lives. Brother Pablo, aneurysm, bleeding in the brain, found unconscious
in his apartment. Rushed to the hospital, they gave him radioactive dye totaled out his kidneys. the doctor tells me that he may never leave the hospital alive. If he does he will never get off dialysis. Guess what, he is in church, no dialysis, no blood thinners, hands in the air praising Jesus.
Mike, you stand in judgement everyday when you post about your glory days in the 70s. Bro, coercing one woman from Fort Lauderdale to come get baptized in the name of Yahshua in a little 10 years? Faith destroying? Stuck in a room arguing about pastors who have CONGREGATION of people baptized in Jesus name speaking in tongues not wearing beards? The tribulation (oh, forgot, is that the 3 1/2, 7, 14, or 28 year trib?) I have watched my share of dogfights over that. Yeah, all the church needs to be is post? Mike, you are a shut in, you sit at home at the computer is your altar. We had church yesterday, praise reports were the call of the day. Mexico church is doing great and having baptisms in Jesus name. Colombian church is doing great. Faith? Dude, go out and do something Mike. Mike go and make something happening this week concerning the Gospel.
Sitting on your rear end watching cartoons streamed to you every Sunday?
Bro, you need to take your eschatology, and go sit in a Cafe. Gather in a group. Tell them what I believe is heretical and will kill their infant daughter if they believe it. But Dude, just get out there.
Get something on the go,.
Supposed to be in a tribulation? Or are we in the tribulation, backside of it, beginning of i, they can't get it together. Anyway, these brothers are preaching
Acts 2:38. Baptizing in Jesus name. The Spirit of Truth guides into all truth. I have brothers who are pre tribbers, post tribbers (historical and dispensational) they are out building. They understand that the Holy Ghost is the teacher, and that we bring the shaves in then God take care of the rest.
2,000 years ago the church wasn't sitting in a hut, it didn't have the luxury that you have to be a shut in.
Hey, Mike, go and do something with your retirement.