Originally Posted by Aquila
If my pastor approached me to talk to me about my grown children's lifestyle choices, I wouldn't be offended. I'd be puzzled. I'd laugh and let him know that I've talked to them about it. I might also give him a phone number so that he can call them up and talk to them about it personally. lol
I mean, if the kids are grown, what can you do? Sometimes things just are what they are.
A - you missed my point. It was not about a brother in Christ (not just a pastor) talking to someone about their children's lifestyle choices.
It was about how WE treat out children's lifestyle choices.
And are we doing the best we can to bring them back to Christ.
I have seen parents to are being loving, supportive and affirming of their child's ungodly choices.
When they were approached and asked to prayerfully consider the best way, they become offended.
We need other people to challenge us in our walk with God, as we can quickly go down a side road.