Something that I dont get. Many (not all) Oneness Pentecostals say there is absolutely no such thing as the "light doctrine". AND YET...among themselves that is exactly what they practice.
Here is an example from another thread:
How could you sit here and say someone's ideas about the being pre trib, or post trib matters that way? All that is crazy, because no one living knows what it's going to be for sure.
Eschatology though, is what it Is, only a philosophy. But hanging your hat on prophecy means nothing. If you believe in the second coming that's what matters. When it will happen, and how It will happen no one knows. I just know when it does come, I'm on that train! And hallelujah praise Jesus!
Is this the way to approach the foundation truths of Jesus Christ?
Many Trins when approached with more truth on who Jesus is would say exactly what this brother says about the rapture.
They say, why all the strife between Oneness and Trinity? We both believe Jesus is God! There scriptures either way! After all none of us no for sure! The main thing is to believe in obedience to Jesus!
Many (not all) OP would mock these Trins and say they are going to Hell because they dont love the truth but THEY THEMSELVES, among themselves can say, "We dont have to agree on the 2nd coming or the resurrection, or the eternal judgment!"
They reason "good men can differ in their understanding of these issues so as long as they believe on Oneness and
Acts 2:38 their fine brethren!"
So they condemn to Hell one group with no exceptions, all that say they are a "Trinitarian" for not loving the truth but give themselves a pass on other foundation teachings of Jesus Christ.
To them what is essential is only a PART of the truth. Not ALL of the truth. They really think God will condemn people over teaching Oneness and
Acts 2:38 wrong...but will accept THEM no matter what they believe!