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Old 04-09-2018, 09:23 AM
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Re: Why is Church Attendance Dropping?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Chosen, you probably don't know much about me. My mother was one of the estimated 40,000 to 45,000 Americans who died from treatable conditions in 2007 because they didn't have necessary insurance, nor the money, to see a specialist.

I've not been a huge fan of Obamacare, but at least it was a plan. When various states opted out of the exchanges, it drove the cost up. Many states had good reason to opt out though. Not criticising.

I have friends and family in Canada (Ontario). So, I've been there, saw it, and we've talked quite a bit about the systems. Their system isn't perfect, but it's far better than ours, and they'd take it over ours any day. Nowhere near 40,000 to 45,000 citizens have died because they couldn't get treatment, which was the estimated yearly numbers in the United States.

My lady love, Christina, lived in the U.K. for several years, right inside, Ely. She saw and experienced the system in Britain, and was impressed. When she came back to the U.S. she had no insurance. Today, her mother is ailing (strokes, dementia) and the insurance is a total mess. So she's seeing first hand first hand how bad it is here.

She and I have been to Amsterdam, their system is also impressive, compared to the U.S.

Had my mother lived in any of these countries, the chances are high that she'd be alive today.

So, my support for universal healthcare is a very personal thing.

I figure if we can afford to waste trillions dropping bombs all over the planet, give away hundreds of billions in tax subsidies and tax deductions for the ultra wealthy, we can afford to insure that every American has basic health insurance.

Why do you judge so harshly and not ask questions?
I wasnt judging go back and look at what you said to me. You got all in a tizzy because I said obamacare was the worse thing that ever happened to America. So I tried to pass it off with a joke. But I'm sorry about your Mom, but no one ever died on accident bro! God has a plan, and when that plan is up, it's up for each and everyone of us. No one is living a day longer then what God appointed for us. The day we were born, there was already a day set for us to die. Take solace in His love, and keep your mind stayed on Him. He holds all things in His hand. "Even the wrath of man shall yet praise Him", so nothing can happen He didn't already for see.

But I'm sorry bro if that was a touchy area. I just was cracking a joke. I didn't know, please forgive me.

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