Originally Posted by thephnxman
His NAME is Jesus!
Which begs the question:
Is a woman saved, who willfully aborts her child; and who then teaches
other women that abortion is not a sin...is she saved?
" Being born again (conceived/begotten of God), not of corruptible seed,
but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever."
So we have been conceived by the Word of God (through preaching) and
have been birthed into the Church, and are expected to bear fruit.
Is God's redemptive work solely by repenting: is that where "...remission
of sin..." takes place? Is there a real difference between forgiveness and
remission? Is there a difference between mercy and grace...between the
Old Testament and the New Testament...between the light from the moon
and that of the sun?
Am I missing something?
Brother Villa
ANY Human Being that would ABORT a CHILD regardless of how she got to that point is a MURDERER. I don't care if she is RAPED TORTURED OR JUST FLAT OUT MAKES A MISTAKE MURDER IS MURDER. ABORTION is MURDER. The way the murder the baby is enough to make me cringe. I find it sad that murder is allowed to take place regardless of FAITH IN A GOD or your BELIEF SYSTEM regardless if you are even an atheist killing an unborn child is murder because that little baby though unborn is ALIVE and KICKING and BREATHING inside the womb. IT's not a woman's RIGHT to choose MURDER by ABORTION. If I was raped no matter how bad, and there was a baby growing inside my body I would have that baby, and love that baby, some may wish to give it up for adoption and not keep it which is understandable some mothers don't even TOUCH IT or HOLD THE BABY they just tell the DR to take it away I can understand that to. Though I would not chose to do that to my BABY because who ever created the HUMAN RACE or this UNIVERSE put in it's design of the Human Species a Mother 2 baby nurture bond where when the baby comes out it knows it's mother, it knows her voice and it feels everything you do by Energy that you produce in it's life inside of your belly. It can feel the sounds by vibrations and it can sense when you are in danger or when you are sick or when you are hungry that baby feels everything you feel.
It says in the Bible that NO MURDERS will enter The gates of HEAVEN. but I believe that the Bible is also very clear on Forgiveness. So I would think by what I Read in the Bible that he can forgive a mother who commits a murder by aborting her baby.
I have never understood abortion there are so many women and couples who cannot have children and so many foster kids that need good homes but even in the church I know of a wonderful couple who could not have kids, and they ADOPTED 5 RUSSIAN Babies. It was a wonderful family. GOD REALLY Blessed them he is now a MILLIONAIRE who builds Million $$$ homes and they live in one while they are building the NEXT as they have it up for sell and then they move in the new one once it's ready>. But God Blessed that man for adoption those 5 kids. I believe anyways. He was only working a small JOB before he adopted those 5 Russian Babies. So many want to ADOPT good people and there are families that ADOPT even when they have too many kids already just to save a CHILD. I just cannot see abortion being LEGAL in any part of this world. ITs' MURDER. and you will have to give an account for that MURDER. I could not ABORT a BABY if I was having 10 TWINS even if I was raped by for example CHARLES MANSON or JEFFERY DOHMMER. I just would not abort or murder a child for any reason. That life that grows inside you has nothing to do with how you got to the place of being with child so that child should not suffer for it.