Re: Pastors. How to paralyze the Hebrew Roots doct
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
So thats all you have to say about what I said? So I suppose you did get my point that not all "Hebrew Roots" people are the same?
So your question to me works the same as my question to you. No I have not been to the hundreds of Ultra Con Churches so I cant say ALL when I am making a point about them. You will note many times I say ALMOST all of a certain group does this or that.
What I CAN do is to simply ask a certain person of their belief. If one asks me of my belief I will tell them. I may not get bogged down in explaining every single detail UNLESS I think the person is actually learning something.
I was appointed as an Elder in an Apostolic Ultra Con Church back in 1981 in a body familiar to Steve Eply in Springfield Ohio. So there is a stream of Ultra Con belief that I understand.
Therefore you understand what I'm saying, the Hebrew Roots is a movement. Just like the Apostolics or Charismatics, even though they can go from mild to wild there are still distinctive markings which make them Hebrew Roots.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence