So anyone following me over the last few months knows that things have been a little rough for me. I am grateful though, so very grateful, for where I am this evening.
I am not perfect, but I know how I used to be, where I used to be and by the POWER of the Holy Ghost and the prayers of others who are stronger than me, I am moving up higher in my walk with the Lord.
I had the chance to take a last-minute visit to my family in MD over the weekend. It was a very short but very impactful visit.
One of my cousins was preaching and it was a packed house Sunday morning there at my Dad's church. It was nice to see the house full. My Dad was sitting in the back to observe my cousin and the service.
My cousin started preaching and he just dug right into the Word. He read from
Psalms 63, ESV. He read the entire 63rd division of Psalms, gave the title of his message, prayed and then he began to go read back over each verse.
However, something happened when he got to verse 7.
A whole bunch of saints, young and old received something from the Holy Spirit in the moments my cousin read verse 7.
He read it. He stopped. He started over and read it again and stopped.
Then he said something I won't soon forget. He didn't yell it or whisper it. He just said it, kind of reflectively.
"He didn't just start helping me."
He paused.
Then the Holy Spirit SWEPT my Dad's church-- pulpit to back door! Young people running and leaping! Old people, voices raised in praise and joyous weeping. My Dad, speaking in tongues behind me.
I was on my feet, praising yes, but observing, and awestruck at the POWER of God demonstrated in that one moment!
Sermon was paused for about 10 - 15 minutes as just wave after wave after wave of the Holy Spirit just swept over my Dad's church!
Honestly, it has been YEARS since I can remember being in a service like that from where the preacher was speaking and God moved on the hearts of the congregation from a word given in the middle of a sermon.
My Dad gave me a ride to Union Station after church. I brought up what had happened in the service and we were just praising God for the Work He had done at that point of the service.
There are only two preachers that I can think of where I was in services and the Holy Spirit moved similar to that in SPONTANEITY and depth.
Both of those preachers are dead now but my Dad knew one of them.
I said his name, Bishop Bonner. My Dad smiled.
He said, "You should come home more often and hear my sermons too!"
We both laughed and you know what, everything was alright the rest of the ride to Union Station.