Originally Posted by Aquila
You do realize that if they can get how the rise in sea level will affect one section of coastline (perhaps one section they are rather concerned about), they can use computer simulation to measure the impact elsewhere, all based on sea levels, land elevation, and costal composition, don't you???
Because if you think these scientists need to examine every inch of coast line to get accurate data.... you're obviously still back in the stone age.
What affects the northern part of the state may not do the same in the southern part of the state. That is the contention. You can't make a claim that one result in the northern part will be the same in the southern part.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Ummm... what is my agenda? Not wanting to watch NC drown. LOL
Misinformation. Fake news. Liberalism. etc etc.
Originally Posted by Aquila
What's yours??? Republican Dominance and the dismantling of every democratic institution in America. From unions to Medicare.
I'm conservative before Republican, so no, it's not about GOP dominance. Though I wouldn't be against dismantling oppressive unions and actually doing something about medicare fraud.