Originally Posted by mfblume
Zionism is basically a secularization of the idea Israel is supposed to have the land of Israel whether they serve God or not. It is christianized to fit, like you say, eschatology. True Torah believing Jews hate Zionism as much as God does.
Though you are right about some Judiacs not wanting an occupied Israel. Be careful not to fall for the Left/Right paradigm of Judaism. Karaite Judaism holds more weight on the Tanakh or Torah, but does incorporate the Talmud. Anyone using the Talmud or Kabbalah needs to called out for promoting the spirit of Anti Christ.
Just so I will not be deemed a Anti Semite. The Church was founded by Hebrews, and was only Hebrews for the first three and half years. The apostles traveled across the then known world seeking the lost sheep of Israel to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. They were considered as another Hebrew sect called the Nazarenes. They are my apostolic forefathers who were murdered by the Romans and Edomite Jews. Study and you will find Caiaphas was an Edomite Pharisee. This has been one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated. Fox's Book of Martyrs estimates between 60-70 million people have been murdered under Christian persecution. Either by the Crypto Jew Jesuit Roman Catholics or Judaic Edomites.