""If Dr. Patricia Green is correct, America is about to be shaken like we have never seen before.
And considering her track record, I would take what she has to say very seriously. She correctly prophesied in advance that Donald Trump would win the election in November. If you are not familiar with this prophecy, you can find it here on a video that she published Sept. 28. She also correctly prophesied Barack Obama's first election victory in advance, and she did it at a time when Hillary Clinton was expected to get the Democratic nomination.""
Regarding the increase in prophecy, I will show my children what I am about to do on this earth through My prophets. My prophets will arise with this proclamation, "Make way for the coming of Yehoshua. Prepare the way. Prepare your hearts. He will shake the heavens and he will shake the earth with his outstretched arm. This great shaking will usher in great revival. The churches whose foundations are not established on the rock of Yehoshua will fall. Many will be shocked at the churches who fall because those churches put up a good front, but refuse to live in holiness. I will expose the greed, the fornication, the adultery and the idolatry of these churches. There is a great shaking coming, and I will expose the sin. Repent before it is too late.""