Originally Posted by Originalist
Careful. You might get screamed at like I was last night by an Assemblies of God minister. He insisted Jesus instructed us to tithe in the New Testament in Matthew 23 when he said "this ought ye to have done" to the Pharisees. I politely pointed out the context of the statement (addressed to Law keeping Pharisees) and the guy freaked out screaming, "You can't use this as a loophole not to tithe!" He simply did not see the irony of his statement and that he was the one trying find a loophole to justify his stance.
I'm inclined to think that house churches which eliminate the need to maintain buildings, thus eliminating the financial pressures that make tithing necessary, are a good idea. The constant need to expand/maintain facilities is a heavy load.
And then when I see the extravagant life styles of some of the mega church pastors, I feel like people are being robbed to enrich the ungodly.
When I give sacrificially, I don't want it to be used frivolously. I don't really care If your kids have an outstanding wardrobe, fantastic vacations and an ivy league vacation.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien