Originally Posted by Aquila
If you don't believe in addressing climate change you obviously have your head in the sand, or at least believe in waiting until there is a crisis to act. Both are idiotic recipes for disaster. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I refuse to go down catering to the greed and ignorance of corporatists who brazenly don't care a lick about climate change and it's effects, after all, those most deeply affected will be in poor low lying countries. If it's a problem, it needs to be addressed. If it isn't a problem it needs to be prevented. Waiting for a crisis before acting is just plain stupid.
If you oppose mandatory paternity leave (the mandate that employers offer paternity leave) you are ANTI-FATHERHOOD. If you don't feel like taking paternity leave, don't. But don't deny other fathers the right to do so and to be involved in the first years of their child's life, especially the opportunity to be help to their wives who are now young mothers. Even in ancient Israel soldiers were relieved of military duty for one year upon getting married so that they could cultivate intimacy with their wives and sire children. Paternal leave is of the same moral fabric.
If one feel that business has a greater right to force employment on new fathers, over the right of new fathers to be with their children. I ask that they please tie a mill stone around their neck and jump in the ocean. They'd be of more value to the efforts of TRUE FATHERHOOD if they did.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you sir are a bona fide raving lunatic.