Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Proclaim the best you understand?
What does that mean?
A ref to "Proclaimer," from a recent thread here; i thought this one. This one, i thought? Sorry. "Proclaimer of 'Well done!'" try that one, i think i linked to a Lexicon and everything. Ah, post 4, this thread. I thought "Proclaimer," but wrote "Messenger of well done" in this forum. sorry. Ah, and as that hardly clears much up, most likely, my meaning was that you should go tell it like you know it at the time, there is no shame in that. Hope this is a bit more coherent, EB i never realized how much i took inflection for granted. Words are very difficult for me anyway. memorize a 10 digit #, no sweat. Memorize a 5 word sentence, though? It's comedy after 5 minutes. Still gets the point across, but everything is rearranged. The "little children" verse, that i use like...a lot? still have to go look it up, every time. Does it start "Don't be deceived..." or "Little children..."? lol