Please share What you believe?
I'm confused, I've read so much from different brudas I can't tell. I'm a straight forward kinda Kupuna. I admit I like having fun on dis forum but it's just odd, not knowing much about u all. I don't want to read your explanation just the bottom line.
I'll go firs.
I am convinced and totally persuaded..
Faith comes from preaching.
One God Jesus Name,
The beginning of a Saved life starts by grace thru faith not of works, obeying
Acts 2:38.
Thorough, heart changing, life changing repentance,
Blood at water baptism,
Tongues is the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost.
Pre-trib rapture,
One man and one woman family for life. I hate divorce for any reason.
Bible based holiness and da separation from the world.
Revival and Evangelism go hand in hand.
Foot washing
Teaching bible studies
A physical paper leather bound Bible, (or similar)
Supporting God's ministry with tithe.
Giving offering
The church is where His people come to worship, and hear God speak to his gathered people.
God's Mercy is afforded to whosoever will because of HIS love toward us.
The Grace of God is his enabling power to overcome sin, and continually work salvation in the heart of a sincere believer as long as they continue to walk in the light.
Altar benches
A pastor ( if a Saint)
Elders ( if a full time minister)
A pulpit
Strong preaching
A pastor setting a standard of dress and conduct based on his prayer life convictions that God has given him for dat assembly.
Intercessory prayer
A five fold ministry
The fruit of the Spirit
Preaching is da most important part of every service.
Giving the man of God double honor.
A prayer life.
And such-like