Originally Posted by Pressing-On
An Open Letter to Trump Supporters: The Principles and Person of Ted Cruz, and the Political Realities for Donald Trump
It does my heart good to see millions of Americans rising up and boldly proclaiming that we are DONE with Washington politics as usual.
To all of those who want to take America back, who want to restore the greatness of our country, and who see Donald Trump as the one who shares their rage – I get it. I understand.
I’ve spent most of my adult life in the policy arena fighting both the liberals and those in the GOP whose policies are nothing more than “liberal lite”.
After eight years of Barak Obama, America is on the brink of destruction and in grave danger of no longer being that Shining City on the Hill that is a beacon of hope for the world. Basic freedoms like the ability to say what we please, to openly live out our faiths, and to raise our children as we see fit are disappearing before our very eyes. If we do not get this election right, our children and grandchildren will live under the strong fist of government and their opportunity to thrive will be diminished. Our very Constitution is in peril. Please hear me: if we do not elect someone who both understands the Constitution and has a proven record of working to restore and preserve the Bill of Rights, WE WILL LOSE THOSE RIGHTS.
And without first having the protections that the Constitution provides each of us as citizens, America can never be great again.
We can build a wall as high as you want and renegotiate all the trade agreements you can dream of, but if we do not get the Supreme Court right, while simultaneously slicing and dicing government agencies, programs, and departments in order to restore the limited government the Constitution portrays, we will each become a person of servitude to a corrupt and stifling system.
Ted Cruz has spent his entire adult life fighting to restore the Constitution. He has argued nine cases before the United States Supreme Court. He has fought for the First Amendment, The Second Amendment, The Tenth Amendment and more as both a Senator and a Constitutional expert. He has always been pro-life and has successfully fought to protect the right to life as well as parental rights. A lifetime of studying the Constitution and American history developed Ted Cruz’s thinking and approach to governing, and provides the basis for his public policy prescriptions. The Constitution is Ted Cruz’s compass, his North Star.
See more: http://theresurgent.com/an-open-lett...-donald-trump/
What a bunch of baloney. Cruz spent his adult working life in the Bush administration as a policy advisor. So did his wife.
More neocon lies. They guy has all his records sealed, just like Ozero. Only renounced his Canadian citizenship a few years ago. His campaign is swirling with dirty "business as usual" political tricks, just like the rest of them. He gave almost 1,000,000 dollars to Fiorini's campaign PAC while campaigning against her, his biggest donors are sodomites from NYC and people like Mitch McConnel - THAT ALONE ought to make any true conservative run from him like the plague. His wife helped draft the SPP (roadmap to NAU), he can't or won't answer a simple question "have you always been faithful to your wife", Roger Stone publicly says he knows "for a fact" Cruz: is an adulterer and Cruz never threatens a lawsuit against him or the NE. Why? Discovery, that's why.
This whole election is a sham and its sad so many have been hoodwinked, yet again.
The good news is more and more people are waking up to the scam, and soon the scambots won't matter, the party apologists will be irrelevant.
Though I guess the Eloi will always be with us, they are becoming less significant every passing year.