Where we are headed
While dialoguing with some Venezuelan friends on a forum, here is what one of them posted.
Reading this makes me realize where we are headed, due to the current thinking of many of the voters
"First, few things can function in an economy with an unstable currency. Even a private corporation must know total costs vs. total expected revenues in order to settle on a price. Second, 2 or 3 generations of South/Central Americans have grown-up under the media-inspired myth that government can solve their problems. Personal responsibility/initiative has thus become secondary in the minds of the young. The strange guy speaking to you on the tele, with silly portraits and colorful flags hanging in the background, has your best interests at heart, or so you were taught in school. It’s Orwellian, ingrained in the new generation’s DNA. Private corporations – bad. Government enterprises – good. Destructive Marxist dogma first brought to the continent through the Cuban Revolution, spread to every school and university in South/Central America. Cuba as the model for these new ideas. Even though THAT revolution was an utter, dismal failure, the lesson is purposely ignored. “Look away at what was actually accomplished. Nothing to see. It’s not the results which are important here, but the meaningful intentions.” So we are told. If a narcissist like Castro (insert Chavez here as well) centers his government around the poor and downtrodden, standing hour-after-hour on that podium, he must therefore really care about them. Good intentions, not actual results. What his Cuban Revolution actually accomplished, seems unimportant to many in academia and media. The same with the Bolivarian Revolution. There are NO obvious facts which can negate their dogma, None. Not the lack of medical supplies, not the lack of clean water, not the record-setting inflation rates, not the crime rate, or even the poverty rates. If during a television show, you stand on a street corner and hand-out a few free Haier refrigerators to the poor, that’s all that matters. Your intentions were good, everything else is irrelevant."
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan