African-Am Men Charged in Pastor's Wife Murder
Since we get a lot of reports here about Caucasians killing African Americans in cold blood, thought I'd bring some levity here with an article about the opposite. There won't be riots in the street. There won't be a rally with Donald Trump, or Rush Limbaugh, or Reverends Joel Osteen and Bill Hybels demanding justice and stirring up racial tension.
The truth is there is evil in the world. It's cursed by sin. White people do wicked things. Black people do wicked things. It isn't one sided. All have sinned. Politicizing every act of violence doesn't solve the problem of crime.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.