Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I'm surprised you didn't understand my posts, you of all people have gain my respect by me paying attention to your words. I'm sorry that I could not convey mine well enough to help you understand me. The Eastern Roman churches made up 20% of the population during the beginning of the 20th century, and now they make up only 2% of the Middle Eastern population. So, does that mean the Muslims waited until 1400 years later to start killing their Orthodox Christian neighbors?
At one time it was much larger than 20%
Despite what Islam says, Muhammad and his merry band of Muslims, slaughtered Christians and Jews across the middle east and those they did not slaughter they imposed a special tax on for the privilege of not being killed instead of converting.
Every time things dont go right, Muslims blame Christians. And its not just the Middle East. Nor did it start with the Armenians.
Its happening now in Indonesia too.