Popular Lies About The Holy Spirit.
You will not see much Scripture in this opening post, since it deals with Unscriptural ideologies favored by modern Pewsitters and Pulpit Jockeys. Those who wrote the NT were not so stupid to think these errors about The Holy Spirit were then at hand, and would need to be proactively addressed for the fools of 2016.
1.) The Holy Spirit cannot be worshipped. Not shown in Scripture. But the Babbling Pentecostals sure do try to worship and sing to Him.
2.) The Holy Spirit cannot be successfully spoken to. No Scripture shows Him responding to anybody, not even to Jesus.
3.) The Holy Spirit cannot be conjured up on time for 10:30 AM Sunday Services. Not even by "inviting" Him, as the Pentecostal Babblers try to do in their songs. He cannot be "welcomed into our hearts." Not shown in Scripture.
4.) The Holy Spirit does not speak quiet little intuitively derived messages to specially appointed individuals. When The Holy Spirit acts His actions are seen by all, and are blatantly obvious. No uttered words of The Holy Spirit are recorded in Scripture, not even by Babbling Saul.
5.) The Holy Spirit never speaks to anyone, either audibly or "in their heart." He does empower people, and His empowerment is of such authority that those who possess it speak none of their foolish personal thoughts, or any common unGodly thoughts. As do all preachers today.
These points above will be demonstrated by the ensuing posted responses because:
1.) No Scripture will come forth to effectively dispute them.
2.) Only weak minded people who are intolerant of Scriptural correction will post their thoughts, as if their thoughts are valid.
3.) No accurate first hand accounts of words being spoken by The Holy Spirit will be posted.
4.) All posted responses will contain ad hominems, and not The Gracious Fruit of The Spirit.
5.) Almost all posted responses will contain the pronouns "I" and "You," since respondents will be thinking and reasoning like women who can discuss issues only within terms of interpersonal relationships. That is why women control modern Evangelicalism to make it exist in terms of a "personal relationship with Jesus," even though nobody can actually know Jesus.
Think before you post your best ideas. Lol.
Last edited by JoReba; 10-29-2015 at 11:51 PM.