Originally Posted by kclee4jc
I agree with this. But I must say that I have never felt convicted to issue marriage licenses to hetero couples. Do I believe a marriage license breaks or makes a marriage? No. Do I believe that some people I have issued marriage licenses to should be getting married? No.
However, whether or not they should be getting married or whether or not a state issued marriage license makes a marriage valid or not, it is still that, a marriage. I will not issue a marriage license to someone of the same gender simply because I do not believe that it is possible to do so. I do not believe that two people of the same gender can be married and to issue a marriage license to a same gender couple would be to “redefine marriage”.
I am thankful that there has been no pressure on me to do so, but if there ever was, I would refuse.
Secondly, I don't feel that we will reverse the tide of persecution coming against the Church. My only hope is to be a light that will turn people to Jesus in the wake of persecution. If someone stands for truth, I see it as a testimony of truth to those that are persecuting it.
So do you work in a government office that issues license or are you a minister that marries people?
trying to understand where you are coming from.
as a minister I would never marry two people of the same sex. that is an affront to God. id go to jail first.