I am surprised that you look at Revelation chapter 1 to determine if Jesus has the same body or not. That was a vision. A sword was coming out of his mouth. He was standing in the midst of candlesticks that represented churches. He had stars in his right hand that represented angels. You can't take revelation 1 to prove whether or not Jesus has the same body that he resurrected with to this day. Revelation is highly symbolic. And we don't know what could happen to that body anyway. I mean if it could vanish, ascend into the air, and retain wounds in it that killed it, and yet it still live, then what else can it do? We don't know. So we need scripture if ur going to say that he discarded that body after he ascended. Acts chapter 1 says that Jesus will come back in the same way he left. I'm sorry, but I don't think of that any other way than that what they saw leave would be what they would see come again. The cloud he went up in was not a cloud of witnesses. It was a cloud of glory. And he's coming back the same way. That's my belief, and I've heard many many interpretations otherwise. But I honestly can't agree with these other interpretations.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."