Originally Posted by mfblume
I suppose staying with the word is heartless, right? You can't see the word teaching truth in love even if it's telling someone they're lost.
Speaking of not answering. ... you never answered this. .
Is it possible to tell someone they've been condemned already if they don't believe?
You seem to not think so. You cannot imagine the word codemning and people repeating that info.
The agenda is to destroy the doctrine of Christ, by substituting some post-modernistic, anti-rational, heuristic gobbledygoop. Just shout some feel good slogans without any intellectual comprehension of the meanings of language and try to drown out the opponent with meme's, one liners, cute internet pics, and ridicule. In fact, when one has no argument, one often resorts to neo-schizophrenic babblings, like a plane jettisoning chaff to try to get the heat seakers off its tail.
The natural man receiveth not the things of God. The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God nor indeed can it be. Etc etc.
God saves by His Word. When a person rejects the Word, they cannot be saved. Perhaps God will grant them repentance, and recover them out of the snare of the devil, but He will never do it apart from His Word. Faith is, in essence, submission to the Word of God.