Equally saved: But not equal
A man can be like Jesus, for we were "...predestined to be conformed to the image of His son...".
Not that WE are predestined as sons and daughters; but Jesus was predestined to be
our salvation and we are predestined to be saved IN HIM! And it is in His anointing in which
we are anointed. But no other man can be Jesus, for no one else could die for the sins of
man: and no man can be the vicar of Christ, for no man can take His place.
Men and women are NOT equals. Man is man, and woman is woman: each one according to
their nature, and calling. However, when the Lord looks upon the Church, as we pray and worship
before Him, He DOES NOT see the individuals: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither
bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for YOU ARE ALL ONE
in Christ Jesus."
In other words, He sees only the Church, and the gifts of the Spirit as they should operate in
her! The same can be said for the Ministry. We are not ALL apostles, or
prophets, etc.
But the Lord "...gave some to be apostles; and some,prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some,
pastors and teachers." So when Jesus looks upon the Ministry, He sees only ONE Ministry,
and the operation in which each man is called. No Minister is greater than another, but we
complement one another in Him.
Yet, did you know that the children are to be served at the table? And they are waiting to be
served...by the Ministry! So if you are called a child of God, REJOICE! However, if you are called
into the Ministry, then be ready to divest yourself of the son's clothing and be dressed upon
with the attire of a servant!
Are you a man? Love your wife.
Are you a woman? Submit to YOUR OWN husband and no other man.
Are you a Christian? Obey the Lord.
Are you part of the Church? Share the TRUE Gospel.
Are you a Minister? Serve the Church.
Be satisfied in your calling: be faithful in your ministration.