I need prayer warriors!
Hello all,
About a year ago I asked for prayers to get into nursing school. Well, God decided at that time it was not right for me. But a year later out of nowhere God answered my prayer! So thank you Jesus!! Glory to God!!!
Now, I am in need of some prayers! I am starting nursing school next month which means I have to leave my full time job. My husband will then be the only one working. We are not sure how we are going to make ends meet. We have already begun talking about cuts we have to make in our spending.
I am also very fearful of nursing school and I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep up. I'm so stressed about it and about my husband having to take the full burden.
I pray that God provides for all of our needs and that He helps my husband find a new job. I pray that God helps us spend wisely and that we may always continue to give to others first! Lord Jesus please help my family, help us depend on you and put our complete trust in you as we walk on this difficult journey you have allowed us to take!
In Jesus' name!!! Amen!!!