Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
I already knew the answer dimwit. I just wanted to see you e-sob when pinned down with a direct question. All you're missing is a blue jean skirt. What a baby.
The "borrowed" pictures were highlighted on April 24, 2015, and you dont have a single bit of evidence that before that day anyone intended to or did correct the misconception that this (what was it? A stock photo? LOL). What I said was true and what is true is not "slander".
Again, identify a correction before that date or shut up and take the label.
In case you don't know, stock photos are perfectly acceptable but captioning them as something other than what they represent is a calculated, deliberate lie. Stick your timeline. The important timeline is this:
Falsely captioned pictures were exposed on April 24, 2015. A flurry of tweets including one that admitted that using these and labelling them as something they are not started the next day.
Far from bitter, I find it highly amusing. Almost as amusing as your pathetic attempts to justify this deliberate lie.
Deliberate lie??????
That's your manipulation right there!!!!!
You are a cyber bully deceiver and everyone here is seeing it.
I have no idea why they let you on this site.
Everything you say is deliberate.
Waiting on your lie to be cleared up about the CHAPEL how you lied you lied you lied. What does that make you??? You said they didn't pay to use it. And they did. I wonder if they can sue you?? I will encourage them to investigate that.
You have been exposed.
Waiting ------