Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
Answer the question stop dodging it. What could he have done to warrant the beat down? I am not asking you for what happened. If I resist arrest I would expect to get tazed, pepper sprayed, and or roughed up enough to restrain me. I would not expect to get beat to death. The fact that you think there is something he "COULD'VE" done to warrant that is part of the problem as well. We arent talking about a man with a gun here. We are talking about a man already in cuffs. You want to stick up for cops so bad that you let your love affair cloud the issue. If the facts come out and disprove my line of thinking, I'll have no issue saying I was wrong.
"We don't know" what happened in the van. Let's see what we can learn and then I will talk with you about it. Perhaps we will agree at that point.