Re: Why I Am A Futurist
I am not dogmatic about it as Sean is about me going to hell over leaves (God have mercy on him at judgment), but I believe had Adam eaten of the fruit of life, he would be indwelt by God's Life. He would live forever so long as he did not eat the forbidden fruit, anyway. But the fruit of Life was God's Life that God wanted in man to manifest in and through man to the physical world. And satan knew that if man was filled with something else, God would not indwell man and manifest. For if God indwelt man and manifested through man, satan would be finished and cast out of the world as God cast him out of glory. So he had to get another filling in man first.
And since man would multiply and ingest that filling of life and manifest God all over the world in time, the serpent went after the means of his multiplication, the woman. Just like he goes after the church today with the same knowledge of good and evil in legalism to urge us to not manifest God but be our own gods and throw haywire into the whole manifestation purpose.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."