03-02-2015, 08:04 AM
Registered Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 17,807
"Millennials Must Hunt" (L)
Generation Y has inherited the most polluted planet in all of recorded human history. The impact of this is felt everywhere, but no more viscerally than on our dinner plates. The question of where our food comes from is on the lips of everyone today, with books like Food Inc or The Omnivores Dilemma fueling a rethink on what food and eating mean in the 21st century.
As a generation, our entire generation faces a choice: either continue the disastrous environmental, and economic food policies of the Boomers or make new choices regarding how and what we eat.
It's time for us to start hunting.
For most of American history, people had a direct and personal relationship with the food they ate. Farming and hunting traditions were passed from one generation to the next, and parents taught their children how to hunt in the wild. After World War II, hunting activity suffered a massive decline when the Baby Boomers became the first generation to decide that hunting was no longer a primary source of food, but rather an act of leisure. Times had changed, food was now space-aged, it was tin-foiled and microwaved, it was processed and manipulated, and it was prepared in factories by machines and migrants. This period created the greatest distance between people and their food, and it is no coincidence this period was also the most environmentally devastating in human history.
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