Originally Posted by Esaias
Brash? I'm not being brash. Least I don't feel brash lol.
You sure sound like it, accusing me of denying resurrection when you know that is not true. Bad form.
I'm saying that when you say "the kingdom will never be physical" that it sure seems to me like a denial of the resurrection.
How? Physical resurrection is not the kingdom. Obviously your view of kingdom is different than I've ever heard. how does a physical resurrection imply a physical kingdom?
I know you believe in resurrection, but I think you are making statements which contradict that. Looks inconsistent to me.
Did not mean to sound rude or gruff or whatever. Texting from phone.
Thanks for the clarification.
But we are in the kingdom now, and it';s not physical. We're physical beings, though. So why would the kingdom become physical just because we will get immortal physical bodies after having mortal physical bodies where there was no physical kingdom?