Does your church still have "tarrying meetings"?
Well.. do they? And by tarrying meeting I mean a prayer meeting where folks seek God for the Holy Ghost. Not so much waiting for God to move according to an unknown timetable, but about seeking God in prayer and allowing Him to work out whatever we need worked out, ie getting US into a place where God can fill us.
Seems the general consensus in the church world is that "tarrying" in that sense is unnecessary and unbiblical. But practically ALL the early Pentecostals wholeheartedly believed in it.
Seems to me that as tarrying has been abandoned and replaced with a charismatic "just name it and claim it" type approach, we have become less and less genuinely Pentecostal. Many Pentecostal churches seem Pentecostal in name only. Many Pentecostals are backslid, lukewarm, worldly, uncharitable, and barely indiscernible in their attitude from the unabashedly lost.
Could abandoning the "importunate seeking after God" in favor of hurrying up to speak in tongues be responsible for flooding the world with pseudo-pentecostal "saints" and carnal imitation "pentecostal-in-name-only" churches?
What do you think?
Last edited by Esaias; 09-27-2014 at 12:32 AM.