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Old 09-25-2014, 10:09 PM
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good samaritan good samaritan is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

I am not advocating tithing or hell preaching, but I do feel we need to be sacrificial givers. It seems that most here argue tithing being unbiblical; do it from the standpoint that it is too much for some people to give. Why don't you ever make the argument that tithing is limiting people's giving. So many people limit their giving to ten percent. If I was going to argue against tithe teaching I think I would be promoting to do more not less.

I fear after these last generations of tithers move off the scenes churches are going to suffer. Again I don't advocate tithing as a heaven/hell issue, but sacrificial giving I do. I don't think it is any easier for the rich to give than the poor. I would never want to oppress the widow and the fatherless, but I wouldn't want to rob them of trusting God in giving.

The story of Elijah telling the widow woman to bake him first a cake seems selfish, but because of her obedience the Lord provided for her through the time of famine. There is a supernatural expectation many tithers have. I give my tithes for two reasons:

1) honor to God for what he has prospered me. Whatever income I receive I want to express to God that He is the one who provides it and I am thankful.

2)To show that I trust him to provide for me in the future. I give tithes sometimes when it is financially unrealistic, but I do it anyway to demonstrate my faith in Him. He always provides.

I know people who tithe with conviction who I have seen about to loose their home. I wouldn't dare try to convince them tithing is unscriptural when God may be working out something with their faith. I didn't convince them to start tithing and I am not going to try to convince them to stop. I will try to be there to help them were I can and look forward to hear their testimony when all is finished. I hope all those on here that argue against the tithe are not reaping from it. If you oppose tithe teaching than don't accept tithers money at your church because those people who tithe do so because someone has taught them to. They are probably the ones providing for your churches, for those who are attending at church buildings

Last edited by good samaritan; 09-26-2014 at 12:01 AM.
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