I Don't Hate Obama BUT....
I hate that he's our President.
Russia has invaded Ukraine.
Thanks Obama for being perceived as weak.
Now we will either keep our word and defend Ukraine, which probably means action just short of full-blown war, or we will simply find a way to worm our way out of action.
I honestly do blame Republicans in part for their part in making the President look weak (just like I blamed the Democrats for their words and actions that appeared to undermine GWB).
Still, ultimately Russia acted now because now is the first time in history since the break up of the USSR that we have had a President with such a weak and impotent foreign policy.
Maybe Obama won't have a weak response. Maybe Russia's sputtering economy is driving their actions and maybe they think a war will help revive their own economy.
Whatever they're thinking, I hope Obama is thinking of a way to put these Russians back in their place-- and that, quickly.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."